Thank you to visitor …. And hera Pangeranz wants guide that be anywhere…. 1st Pangeranz chances link when search Apresiasi album for Saerah and Saidah  at Google ———————————————————— 2nd Pangeranz chances in Wikipedia as Profesional Review  for CTKD Album’s   ———————————————————— 3rd Pangeranz chances when search in Facebook ———————————————————— 4th Pangeranz chances when … Continue reading

Earth Hour 27/3/2010

27 March 2010, I must will support earth hour although at that time I work, but with determined spirit on 8.00pm we already swith off office light , and the result….

10 things to do with the lights off!

1. Invite your friends over for a candlelit dinner 2. Get those board games out and have some fun seeing how easily you can swap your scrabble counters in the dark! 3. Go for a walk. Lie down. Look up. In all of that which you’ll then see, we only have the thing you’re lying … Continue reading

Kasut Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza.

Kasut jenama Charles & Keith (thanks Sue ) Akhir sekali Iklan yang di’edit sendiri oleh Pengeranz…

Ada Apa Dengan Aizat…

Ok, macam mana nak mule cerita erk? Pangeranz pun tak tahu la….Ok baru-baru iniu Pengeranz ada terbaca satu aktikel dari surat khabar tabloid, yang mengatakan Aizat tak hormat atas protocol yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak Istana Budaya baru baru ini apabila buat persembahan bersama diva Negara Dato’ SIti Nurhaliza. Yang Pangeranz ingat la dalam surat … Continue reading

  • :.Mutiara Kata.:

    Masa Lampau, Masa Sekarang Dan Masa Depan. Sebenarnya Adalah Satu... Ia Adalah Sekarang - Stove
  • :. Contemplation.:

    Pride is not the best because we never fell. But as we come back every time we fall.